– Manuscript –
(Scene: Airport, Topic: Travel)
At the crack of dawn, the plane landed at its final destination.
The passengers disembark and proceed to the immigration area for their final clearance, and Rajesh was one of them.
He had a long-haul flight, and he feels tired and jet lagged.
He’s saving his strength because he still needs to get his suitcase from the baggage carousel.
“How long will you be staying?” enquired the mediocre immigration officer.
“For 15 days, I will be spending Christmas with my friend.” Rajesh replied.
The officer scanned his passport and gave it back to him.
He retrieved his bag and proceeded to leave the arrival area.
A man holding a sign with Rajesh’s name greeted and introduced himself.
“My name is Shiroma Yori, and I will be your chauffeur. Welcome to Japan, Mr. Patel. ” He respectfully bows and asks for Rajesh’s luggage.
Stunned, Rajesh couldn’t muster up the right words.
The chauffeur gently lifts his suitcase and directs him to the car.
As he drives them away from the airport, the first drops of snow hit the back of the car window.
Shiroma Yori smiled and said, “Mr. Cooper asked us to give this to you.”
Rajesh reads the note.
Dear Rajesh, I apologize for not being able to meet you at the airport.
I’ll try to make it up to you.
I left the house keys with the apartment custodian.
I’m lending you some cash for food.
I’ll be back before Christmas. — Adam
– New Words –
hold / hóuld / ホールドゥ
- 手に持つ
introduce / intrədúːs / イントゥロドゥース
- 引き合わせる
feel / fíːl / フィール
- 感じる
save / séiv / セイヴ
- 救う
spend / spend / スペンドゥ
- 費やす
snow / snou / スノウ
- 雪
lend / lénd / レンドゥ
- 〔人に物・金を〕貸す
stop / stɑ́p / スタプ
- やめる
long-haul flight
- 飛行機での長距離移動
jet lag
- 時差ぼけ
give back ~ to
- 返す
make it up
- 埋め合わせをする
– Japanese Translation –
運転手はスーツケースをそっと 持ち上げました そして彼を車に乗せました
城間依は微笑みながら、”クーパーさんからこれを渡してほしいと頼まれたんです “と言った。
クリスマスまでには戻るよ — アダム