– Manuscript –
(Scene: Coffeeshop, Topic: Travel)
At the coffee shop, the smell of brewed coffee fills the air.
Joy, Rajesh, and Roy bought coffee and pastries.
Joy flips the pages of a travel magazine and says, “Let’s go on a road trip! Let’s go to the beach and swim with the dolphins!” as she points to a picture in the magazine.
“Nah, I’ll take a rain check,” says Roy, as he sips his cup of coffee.
“Come on, don’t be such a killjoy; you can try different things; you can ride a jetski or probably just enjoy the beautiful scenery.” says Rajesh.
“I just prefer to stay at home, snuggle on my couch, put on some good ol’ jazz music, maybe watch my favorite TV show, or just try to grow some veggies in my vegetable garden.” So says Roy.
“Suit yourself, Joy and I will go to the beach!” exclaims Rajesh before he completes his sentence.
Joy says, “I’ll bring my sister Lois.” She’ll be our third musketeer! “
“That sounds like a great plan! Hooray!” says Roy jauntily.
– New Words –
show / ʃóu / ショー、ショゥ
- 見えるようにする
ride / ráid / ライドゥ
- ツーリングする
swim / swim / スウィム
- 泳ぐ、水中を進む
try / trái / チュアイ、トゥライ
- やってみる
grow / gróu / グロー、グロゥ
- 大きくなる
prefer / prifə́ːr / プリファー
- を好む
enjoy / endʒɔ́i / エンジョイ
- 楽しいと感じる
stay / stéi / ステー、ステイ
- のままでいる
road trip
- 車でする長旅
take a rain check
- またの機会にする
- 場を白けさせる人
- 心地良く横たわる
– Japanese Translation –
「好きにしてくれ、ジョイと僕はビーチに行くんだ!」 ラジェッシュが言い終わらないうちに叫びました。
ジョイは言いました 「妹のロイスを連れてくるよ」 彼女は我々の三銃士になるのだ!”